Saturday, February 28, 2015

I've been working on a project on comfort foods! February has been the coldest month in history and there's usually always something we like to fall back on for comfort. I wanted to explore that idea with food! I think everyone has such an interesting relationship with food! Here's a sneak peek:

This was published in an edition of our school's newspaper. The photo features Ruth and Thor, a lovely couple I met a Metro. They were so sweet!

This is just a work in progress and I'm still looking for more people to chat with and photograph! If you know anyone or are interested, let me know! :)

Friday, February 27, 2015

Wow. We got nominated for NPAC

I am so honoured to be nominated with my classmates #CarlaAntonio #MaggieNaylor #DillanCools #ThomasSurian for the NPAC team multimedia category alongside photojournalists who have been so inspiring!!! This is incredible and I'm so thankful for this privilege!

You can see the other nominees here:

Check out our video below!

The Beacon of Hope from Amanda Cheung on Vimeo.

Congratulations also to my friend #AnnieSakkab for your two videos and #MartaIwanek both for nominations in NPAC but also for being the 2015 Tom Hanson recipient! You are such an inspiration to me :)